Crofton Infant School

Junior School Council


‘Recently, at our school council meeting we have been focusing on ideas for the refurbishment of the adventure playground.

The councillors have also discussed school lunches with pupils in their classes, and shared ideas for future menus with a representative from Independent Catering.’

(Ben and Grace)


‘Being on the school council has really boosted my confidence to lead class discussions, and I have enjoyed the responsibility of contributing to the many important decisions about how our school runs and to help create exciting changes for the children at Crofton Junior School.’


Our mission statement

The School Council allows the opportunity for pupils to voice their opinions about many decisions that affect the children at Crofton Junior School. Class councillors are a link between pupils and staff. Regular meetings and class based tasks allow the pupils to develop their communication skills, and to build their confidence with speaking, listening and decision making.


Selection process

At the start of each academic year pupils wishing to put themselves forward for the role of class councillor prepare a short presentation to deliver to their class. Voting is discrete, and a councillor and deputy are chosen for each class.


Role of the council

Projects include poster promotions for ‘Love in a Box’ and Anti-Bullying Week, and planning for events such as Red Nose Day. The councillors regularly collect and discuss pupils’ views and opinions on the wider areas of school life such as curriculum topics and lunchtime activities and clubs.